Saturday, 7 December 2013

Because I Am She

I am "she" and I want to write about "he". Yes, seriously, about men. I am not going to say words of praise about them and I am not going to disgrace them either. I just want to write about them, at this very moment, atleast. Because "I Am She" is not a feminist's diary, it is a humanist's. Yes, I am she and I am a humanist. 

We see, on surface, men are cruel, selfish, stingy, stone hearted, egotistical, self centered, mean, hoggish, prejudiced, ferocious, wicked, merciless, ruthless, flirts, wolves, dogs and ah, what yes and what not. 

Poor men, serioulsy, so poor!

Maybe, it is how they have chosen to be projected to the world of women. Or maybe, we women lack those eyes to see them and their place and their life. I am not being pro men or anti women. Well, I don't know what am I being like? 

I have friends from both the worlds, that is, men and women. And if I speak the truth, we women are so judgemental, so so full of doubts, so critical, so insecure, so fault finding, so over thinking, so over reacting, so confused and so confusing, so so so cutting and again, what yes and what not. We women find this life difficult, challanging, unstable, awkward, punishing, burdensome and the list goes on and on. 

But the question is, ain't life alike for them too? Ain't it worse for them too out there? 

Life is just one and once for us and for them, too. It is just that we treat life differently and they treat life differently, too. Because we are different both biologically and psychologically. We women have many challanges in life but by God, men have challanges in life too. Since childhood, they are given a lesson that they have to support their parents, they have to protect their sisters, they have to run and finance a family, no matter what, it is what they have to do whatever may come and go, they can't just be blind to their duties and responsibities. Going freely anywhere and everywhere at any moment does not mean they don't have any chains. They too have chains, maybe different from that of women but they do also have them. Its not that they are all in all free. The way we women need love, respect and appreciation in life, so do men, seriously. 

Yes, it is a truth that there is a black evil side of men too but we can't label their whole being like that. At a certain point of life, we are good and yet at another certain point of life, we act evil. But that is not just with men. Women have this face too. We women have an evil inside us too. We too act bad in some situations of life. Then, we are standing on the same road. Right? 

I want to admit one more thing and that is, the biggest enemy of women is not men but women. Yes, Women are womens' biggest enemies. And you all know the answer to it's how and why. Women harm women more than men do. Maybe, we don't realize it, or maybe, we are blind to see it. 

We women can cry our hearts out whenever its suffocating inside. What about men? They don't, they can't. How bad. Society questions them if they ever are seen crying. It says, you are a man, you can't cry, you just can't cry. Ain't it a big, scary injustice to them?? What do you say?? 

I have seen men thinking for their mothers, sisters, wives, daughters, a hundred times more than themselves. They worry more for their women. They love them more. Infact, whatever they do is for their women, almost. Men also have a heart that sees and that feels. They also are fighting certaing wars in their lives. The also cry if not openly, maybe when lonely. It is just that they are weak at expressing. It is just that they get projected like that. It is just the way they are. 

I may not have been successful in conveying my message out there but let's let them the way they are. Men have a good side too which is friendly, which is kind, which is helpful, which is cooperating, Let's start seeing the good side. Let's stop seeing them with our two naked eyes, let's start seeing this creature of God with the third unseen eye. We women are humans, and so are men. And humans can never be angels. They would sometimes be good and yet at other times, they would be evil. But whatever, let's not talk about bad points of eachother. Let's not laugh at eachother. Let's not abuse eachother. Let's make this world a better place to live. 


Anonymous said...

This is abt perfect.....I am surprised a woman has the courage to share our side of the story. There is still a lot to be said and understood but this is a good start

Unknown said...

a piece that comes out of justice to both world of men and women. i wonder the piece has taken deep observation as a women and as a man's part of world. hats off Fatima Shirin

Pak-army said...

GUD WORK.. at least you have managed to praise poor men at the end :D

Anonymous said...

I'm against the very division of men and women at the level of being. We are all same and complimentary. Well written Fatima, keep writing and exploring new ideas.

Anonymous said...

I wish Ms. shirin - whole heartedly - that the beautiful bubble you are living in, never bursts!

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