Yes, life is beautiful and along with that, it is cruel too.
It has its own eyes, it has its own ears and hands, and it has its own heart and mind.
It doesn't care much about what we humans feel or want it to be. It goes on its own path and it follows its own heart.
And it is not bad at all. I think, it is the beauty, it is the charm.
Why should it do what we ask it? Why can't it be the ideal of it's own?
It can, for sure and that's what it does no matter what.
We are happy when we see life going our way and we feel sad when we find it doing something that doesn't please us.
It is natural, it is normal. It is not that life sometimes pleases us and other times offends us. Its just that life is doing what it wants. It doesn't know about when we do become happy and when do we cry over little and big things.It is just moving on like water does, like wind does.
Things are simple. Let me say, life is an event and we all are invited to the event to make it memorable and play our part. On this event, some among us would love the songs, others would hate and the rest would have no concern. Again, on this event, some would like the food items and would enjoy eating, others would just wish there should have been something of their choice and there would surely be some faces who would have no such problem, they would actually be happy with everything be it good or bad, be it of their choice or not. Simple! Isn't it?
Everything looks fine at its time. I know, nobody would disagree if I say, laughing is good, being happy is good, helping in all the possible ways is good. And I hope you would also agree if I say, crying is good, anger is good.
Thank you if you agree and try to understand if you disagree.
You see, life is a blend of countless things. If I can laugh when I want to, I can cry either when I have to. Why should we always keep controlling and giving our inside a shut up call only because we are afraid of the eyes outside? It is not mandatory to give reasons to those who ask us the reason of crying. Of course, we don't have to.
Did anyone ever ask you, ''why are you not crying today''?
The answer is a big No. So why should there be questions otherwise? Right? Yeah, right.
It also doesn't mean to get harsh with the questions. We can so softly tell them, its simply because we have to cry for a while to get things balanced inside out. Tears are not bad at all. Tears are my life's symbol. They have made me whole.
I like those who can cry without showing much concern about what would others say about them and this is how things should be.
I never heard anyone saying that he is afraid of smiling or laughing but crying. Don't be if so. So what if we want to cry or sit in silence for some short time? So what if we are down? So what if things are going bad? So what man, so what??? Do not stop yourself from both the emotions be it a laugh or a cry. Both are beautiful in their own particular ways. Both are the symbols of life. Both are necessary. Had they not been here, life would have been numb. Right?
Life just wants us to be honest with it.
Honesty is the ingredient, truthfulness is the need, love is the word.
You want to laugh? Just laugh.
You have a reason to cry? Just cry.
You want to say YES? Say it.
You want to return a No? Return it.
You have to have an honest leap like a child does. Yes, never lose your childhood. Be a child at whatever age you reach and whatever maturity it demands
Whatever way you take the moment, take it fully, own it fully. Life wants us to live it to the fullest.
Doesn't it? Believe me, it does and there lies the peace, there lies the beauty.